Nymphaea ‘Ultra Violet’


Nymphaea ‘Ultra Violet’

Nymphaea ‘Ultra Violet’ is a tropical waterlily created by Florida Aquatic Nurseries. It has violet petals and maroon pads splashed with lighter maroon. It’s date of origin is 2007. It is a cross between two unnamed hybrids of FAN’s.

This is the description from Florida Aquatic Nurseries… Nymphaea ‘Ultra Violet’ is unique because it’s flowers are deep purple, darker than Director Moore, the darkest purple on the market today. The flower stands tall and consist of 50 plus petals which gives it the unique fullness. The pads are maroon color with slight splashes of lighter red.

It won the IWGS best tropical and best over-all new waterlily in 2008.

The majority of the shots of this fantastic waterlily were taken last month at the IWC. We want to send a big “Thank You” to the McLane family for allowing us to showcase this wonderful new hybrid.

Here is a short video showing Nymphaea ‘Ultra Violet’ in a starring close up role at the IWC. No sound or comments.

Here is a juvenile plant with multiple buds from Zac’s location.

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