
A Comprehensive Guide To Grow Water Lilies In A Pond

Water lilies are one the most beautiful flowers that you will find on the planet. They are a symbol of purity of heart, tranquillity, and peace.

Because of their stunning beauty, many people love growing them. However, a lot of people are unaware of how do water lilies grow actually. For this reason, we will share everything we know to help you grow the most beautiful water lilies that you can think of.

Let us not delay any further and dive right in.

What Is A Water Lily?

Water lily is the common name for flowering plants in the Nymphaeaceae family. They are different from lotus flowers (Nelumbo), another type of aquatic plant. Water lilies grow in ponds from tubers planted in the soil underwater. They have thick green leaves, called lily pads, that float on the water’s surface. Water lily flowers come in different species and bloom in shades of yellow, pink, white, and red. The genus Nymphaea inspired Impressionist painter Claude Monet, who created nearly 250 oil paintings of these plants.

The two important types of water lilies

Hardy water lilies: Hardy water lilies grow well in parts of North America where winter temperatures drop below freezing. They don’t bloom in winter, but as long as their tubers stay below the frost line, they grow new leaves and flowers each spring. With proper care, they can thrive in USDA Hardiness Zones 3–11.

Tropical water lilies: Tropical water lilies prefer warm climates and grow as perennials in Zones 10–11. In colder zones, they are usually treated as annuals. To save them for spring, remove them from the pond, clean them, and store them in moist sand in a cool basement. Tropical lilies can bloom during the day or night and often have larger, more fragrant flowers than hardy varieties.

Moving on to the exact process of how do Water Lilies grow.

Where To Plant?

  • Water lilies require calm and are still water-free of any turbulences, so make sure that you place them away from pumps, cascades, fountains, or any other factors that can bring instability to the water.
  • Choose an area that receives a lot of sunlight to promote flowering.
  • Plant them inside an aquatic basket filled with heavy clay-based loam or aquatic compost.
  • Select a cultivar to suit the size and depth of your pond. Remember to check plant labels/descriptions when purchasing.
  • Cover half of the surface of the pond with leaves.

In the market, you will find that most water lilies are hardy; however, tender tropical water lilies are also available, and you just have to search for them. During the growing season, these need a water temperature of at least 70F or 21C. In winter, they require a temperature of 50F or 10C. It is often recommended that you grow them in a pool inside a conservatory or warm greenhouse.

Plant Sizes And Water Depths

  • Dwarf or small varieties grow 30–60cm (1–2ft) wide and need water 30–45cm (12–18in) deep.
  • Medium varieties grow 60–120cm (2–4ft) wide and need water 45–75cm (18–30in) deep.
  • Large varieties can grow up to 2.4m (8ft) wide and need water 75–120cm (30in–4ft) deep.

When To Plant?

The best time to plant water lilies is from late spring to late summer. This is because the water during this time tends to be warm, which supports rapid growth. Also, during this period, the development of plants is quick, and they easily develop strong roots, which is essential for a healthy bloom.

Planting Process

It is recommended to plant the water lilies in an aquatic basket with mesh sides full of heavy clay-based loam or aquatic compost. This is because the basket will prevent the roots of the plant from spreading and also makes it easier for you to take care of the plant as you will be able to lift the plants out pretty easily. Most water lilies need a large basket, usually 5–10 liters. However, a 2-litre basket should be fine for a dwarf plant.

So now, how to grow water lilies in pond?

  • Line the basket with hessian and fill it with loamy soil or aquatic compost.
  • Trim back any long roots and remove old or damaged leaves.
  • Plant in such a way that the crown is at the surface of the compost and firm as well. To hold the compost in place, add a layer of washed pea shingle. Make sure that you water thoroughly.
  • Place the basket into the pond and ensure that the crown is covered with 15-25 cm or 6-10 inches of water. Make sure that the young leaves float on the surface. You should use bricks initially to make it stand.
  • As the plant grows, gradually lower the basket until it rests at the bottom of the pond.

If you are growing tropical water lilies, you can plant them immediately at their permanent depth as they grow quickly.

Also Read: Knowing How To Plant Waterlily in Pond from the Best Texan Center

Wrapping Up

Water lilies are one of the most beautiful plants that you can grow. The most unique feature that makes it stand out is that it grows on water. From the above discussion, you should now be clear on how to grow water lilies in a pond. However, if you still need to figure out the process, you can contact a professional to help you with your vision of growing beautiful water lilies.

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